Blue Carbon Team
Our Team

Robert Hickson Is co-founder and managing director of Blue Carbon Services. He is responsible for strategic direction, team coordination and high-level project management. He is an experienced business entrepreneur and project manager having managed large international research projects for the Asian Development Bank, World Bank etc. He is well connected with the international research community.

Sandy Hickson is co-founder and a director of Blue Carbon Services. He is our scientific and business development advisor. Sandy graduated as a science honours student at University of Queensland and was awarded university medal for the most outstanding science research in 2021.

Robyn Cornford is a chartered accountant and has over 30 years of experience in accounting and financial management and analysis, organisational review and business operations. She has over 30 years’ experience in development consulting focusing specifically on poverty reduction, micro- and rural finance, financial management and organisational systems, project evaluation, training, gender, financial inclusion, financial literacy and livelihoods.

Laura van der Marel has a Masters degree in climate science from University College London. She also has an undergraduate Science degree in cellular biology. Laura is experienced in the assessment of organisational carbon footprints and life cycle carbon analyses.